eBayhas just updated the search options which appear in the sidebar. So, what does this mean? Well, first of all this allows people to limit their search specifically to items that are available on Click and Collect.
Which retailers are providing the Click and Collect service?
So far, this is more or less limited to Argos. Nevertheless, it’s only a matter of time before other high street retailers jump on the bandwagon, providing more options and locations for their products.
What else is new?
Another feature that’s popped up in the side bar is an option that allows you to search for “Sold listings”. As you already know, Sold doesn’t necessarily mean completed. This new option lets users exclude these sold items that didn’t end with a completed sale.
Sold listings now more visible
Nevertheless, the ability to view Sold listings is already included in Advanced Search, but a lot of users aren’t even aware of its existence. So, this got us wondering why eBay wants to make these Sold listings more visible. You can’t get a sale from an item that’s already “Sold”. Obviously eBay is constantly researching the way people use the site and how to improve it.
Is this going to be beneficial for buyers, sellers or both?
The question is whether it’s intended for sellers or buyers? Is it meant to help sellers estimate what kinds of prices their items are likely to fetch, or is it to help buyers decide how much to bid on auctioned items?
At this point it’s not completely clear, but it could potentially benefit both parties.