An Uninspired eBay Store Design Won’t Inspire Users to Buy
If your ebay store is attractive and well designed then it has an increased chance to capture shoppers’ attention, making them more likely to buy from your store. To get started, here are some basic elements to think about when considering design.
Company Logo, Branding and Colour scheme
Logo and Branding are essential . What colours reinforce your identity and resonate with your target customer
A professionally built eBay presence serves to increase a buyer’s confidence in the seller
and helps you to stand out from the crowd. Give your ebay store a personality
Create your own design
Well-organized and consistent
Good design will group and organize content and products in a logical and consistent throughout your store
Easy to find and navigate
Improve the shopping experience and ultimately win more customers.
Functionality and Usability
What we do is about design, but it’s even more about functionality and usability.
Edit in bulk across live listings.
uber ebay listing tool makes it easy to update and manage your store.
Ebay started life as an online virtual auction house for people across the world to sell their unwanted items
and has grown into the worlds largest marketplace online. Fortune 500 companies all have a branded presences on eBay.
Millions of people sell on eBay but millions of people BUY on eBay too.
In order to increase your chances of being successful in such a large marketplace you will need three basic elements.
In demand products, there are numerous ways to determine what sells.
Competitive pricing, sometimes it really does just come down to price.
Credibility. A professionally built eBay presence will help to increase a buyer’s confidence in a seller.
Please consider the following; all things being equal including item cost, and the relative number of feedback, which shop would you purchase from:
A) The seller with a default eBay Store and basic or bland template that can often create the appearance of an amateur merchant that has no investment in their business presence.
B) A seller with a professional appearance, that was obviously created by a professional.
A credible image can increase your sales by making this decision for your buyers and this is one of the many reasons why our platforms can increase sales by an average of 30%. Appearance does still matter.
Uber ebay shop designs outperform basic stores and frequently our competitions shops and stores too . What we do is about design but it’s also about increasing functionality and usability. Please feel free to contact us and find out how we can help you stand out on eBay.