Reviews help to increase conversion.

This is a well known fact and as more and more people shop online the importance of user reviews continues to grow, ebay was one of the front runners when it comes to collecting buyer feedback. The feedback system has been an integral part of ebay since ebay first started, it has gone through a few changes over the years, (Seller’s used to be able to leave buyers negative feedback) however it is still a key component of the “ebay experience”


With that in mind and after signing up one of our clients to trustpilot and seeing the increase in conversion’s we decided to dust off a tool we had built some years ago but never got round to using.


Display your feedback as reviews in your item listings.

Not just any feedback though, display feedback that people who have bought your item, have left., relevant related feedback. If you have not had any sales of a particular item then we will show some of your feedback, Only positive feedback is shown.

ebay feedback as reviews

How much will this cost me ?

This feature is only included on the enterprise package.